Kim in London

Friday, July 29, 2005

Thanks, Friends.

Who was it that told me it was a good idea to bring all these clothes? ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH! Now I have to find a place to put them.

I do love to pack for the trip OVER, but I hate, hate, hate packing for the trip going home. My room is awash in trash, tags, shopping bags, empty water bottles, wrappers and all sorts of flotsam here and there that I've been dropping in a vain effort to try and make 25 days worth of expenditures fit into one extra carry-on bag. Okay, so I didn't purchase something EVERY day, but when I did, i seemed to buy the most bulky, space-eating things in Great Britain so I am having to be very creative in my approach to loading it all up for the return trip.

Oh, FYI, the detergent isn't going to make it back. I'm going to consider it some sort of nice charitable contribution to the college students of London. There is no way on earth I can make room for it. The bathroom cleaner, paper towels and unused soap are staying, too.

I can't believe tomorrow morning. It doesn't seem possible that this is all over. I'm ready to come home, but I'm also not ready to leave....and I can't wait to come back again. We're already hoping for TSTP II.

I'll have to put some more details about various activities on here when I get home and can process things more clearly and figure out what is what and what I've left out, but for now....



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