Kim in London

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Go See Pericles

If, by chance you are in London this summer, go see Pericles at the Globe. Fantastic production that I would see again in a heartbeat. Incredible use of modern prodcution techniques with original script and new narration that has the audience captivated during the whole of one of Shakespeare's lesser known plays. I was a groundling for this one and it was worth standing for. You MUST be out in front to experience the arielists...yes, as in people who are swinging from ropes. Superb production. Note, though, NOT for children. It's one of the more mature Shakespeare plots and I wouldn't take a child younger than high school age to see it.


  • Kim,
    I love your comments. What a great experience. Looking forward to your return and hearing it in detail.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 20, 2005 9:01 PM  

  • I saw Pericles last year at Stratford (Canada)--or was it 2 years ago? I forget. Anyway, a great production--they made a mediocre play really come alive. One of the reasons I like seeing plays performed live.

    Agree it's not for young audiences, although the production I saw toned down the slave-girl bit.

    By Blogger gothmog, at July 22, 2005 9:13 PM  

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