Kim in London

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pardon the Interruption

I've been offline due to a myriad of reasons--mainly busy ones. "ive officially started the program, which is the reason I'm here in the first place and we've been going a positively mad pace ever since. I can't possibly catch up on all of the events of the past few days at this point in time because it's almost 1 a.m. and I've got to be in class again at 8:30, so I'll simply say for now that things are brilliant. Stunning. I've been utterly blessed. I cannot even begin to imagine how I've stumbled upon this opportunity and why in the world they are letting ME through those doors to work with the absolute masters of the craft, but they are and I am trying my best to soak it all up. Yesterday we had a movement class with Glynn MacDonald in which I learned more in two hours than I think I've learned in every single inservice I've ever done as a teacher. Today we had voice with Stuart Pearce. It was mesmorizing.

Tonight was the first play and I wasn't even really that excited about it because I was so tired (I fell asleep during the lecture before the play), but once it started, it was electric. It was The Winter's Tale, which I'd actually seen before, but it had been over 10 years and it didn't matter because this was at THE GLOBE and it was stunning. The costumes were just spectacular and the actors playing Paulina and Herminone were absolutely spot-on. I actually had goosebumps at three different points during the show in reaction to their lines and characters, even though I knew what was about to happen. The environment of the theater was just magical. I cannot wait to go again and experience The Tempest on Thursday.

Must go to bed. I have many more tales to tell, but they will have to wait for an earlier evening or the weekend perhaps. I'm too old for this all night stuff despite my youthful appearance.


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