Kim in London

Friday, July 08, 2005

Local Celebrity


I was interviewed by one of the Nashville television stations yesterday. That was interesting. I came back to the hotel after a shopping and I had a voice mail message. It was James Lewis from Channel 4 in Nashville. Can you say surprised? Then, in my email today, the local newspaper had some questions for me. Amusing. I suddenly feel so important for one who saw absolutely nothing. I was glad to be able to offer up some firs hand observations, though. I would hate for people to get the impression that London is some sort of unsafe war zone because it is not. It is a thriving cosmopolitan center that is sadly just a part of our time.

Went on a walk in Soho today. Then I went on another in central London today. Both were through London Walks (link at right) Soho is very quirky--lots of different little shops and crooked streets. Our guide, Graham, was positively charming. There were only four on the tour which he said was very low. Normal is about 20. I was glad that it was not crowded--made things much easier me and let's be honest. It's all about me. We went through Chinatown which was a first for me. While we were there, the deliveries were being mad for the day and we were treated to a poor worker trying to wrestle some live eels back into their box. Not the most appetizing site, I can assure you. This afternoon's walk was with Kim and we ended up overlapping some of the morning's walk, but none of the information was really duplicated too much, so it worked out all right.

I took the underground to the second walk. I wasn't going to, but I couldn't figure out which bus I would take in order to get to Embankment and I didn't want to be late. It was very empty and just as hassle-free as I remembered, so I was glad that I did. The Central Line station is just a block from my hotel, so I will probably use it again tomorrow. There is a pub walk that I'm considering tonight, but it's on the line that is closed, so I may skip it. I'm not sure the bus is worth the fight.

I'm burned out on buses because I managed to get lost on a bus AGAIN. Somehow I cannot find my way up Oxford Street to save my life. Twice now, in two days, I've gotten totally off course. Yesterday it was Tottenham Court. Today, I left Soho Square, walked onto Oxford Street and managed to get on a bus and end up at Euston Station. This, folks, takes a talent that few people possess. I was playing with my new cell phone, which is part of the reason I didn't realize the error, but it's not enough of the reason, I'm afraid. It took me about 40 minutes to correct that error. All I had to do was get on a bus and ride a few measly blocks and somehow I ended up dozens of blocks and turns away. I amaze myself.

It's getting to be dinne time, so I must go. Early morning tomorrow, I think. I'm going to try to hit the Portobello Road Market if I can get up early enough.


  • Kim,

    Glad to see you are okay. I am confident when this pandemonium is over, you will have a lifetime experience. I guess you have already had one of those in the last few days though. Take care and be safe.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 08, 2005 11:12 AM  

  • Please explain how the N-vill tv found the lowly school marm with the fake red hair all the way over yander across the pond. By the way, all grandmas are not created equal. Hope you packed plenty of clothes for my boys. I already took 2 of them shopping this year. After my anual trip to the bad store (i.e.Wally world) for my corn meal which I can't find at any other store in WV, I will be too tired to shop with 3 rug rats.
    Be safe and keep the updates coming

    yo mama

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 08, 2005 3:25 PM  

  • Can't believe you are so famous for taking a trip. Poor London just didn't know how to prepare itself for a KimW visit.

    You know, you will get the park thing right on the last day of your trip.

    Missing you-Tonya

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 08, 2005 10:10 PM  

  • Glad to read that your London experience is not being dampened by recent events.

    How fun to have a tour guide essentially to yourself!

    Take care!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 09, 2005 3:17 AM  

  • Well, famous lady...your story made the FRONT PAGE of the "Daily Herald!" I just emailed it to you...hope I did it right.

    But, although I realize that the big news is that you are a local person who was there at the time of the bombing, it irritates me that they couldn't have mentioned the fact that you are there because you are one of a handful of teachers who received this great honor to study Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre, etc. (Aren't you one of only 21 teachers in the US selected to do this?) To read that article, you are only vacationing! It seems like every time someone in our school system does something good, or receives a great honor, that information always gets left out!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 09, 2005 8:05 AM  

  • "It is a thriving cosmopolitan center that is sadly just a part of our time. "

    This is the perfect description. I am in the center of Washington DC every day. And people often ask about fear and chaos and the like. You said it perfectly. And, like the Brits, we must go on and live our lives.

    By Blogger Sasha, at July 09, 2005 11:04 AM  

  • Mrs. Woody...I hope in all the chaos you have found time to devour your crisp, new magazines.I know what a temptation they were for you to abstain from.A few bombs pale in comparison to fresh reading material. MEL

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 10, 2005 11:35 PM  

  • Congrats on the newfound celebrity, Kimmah. I hope you are enjoying the whole trip. How's your knee?


    By Blogger Silvergirl, at July 12, 2005 10:38 AM  

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