Kim in London

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Shopping? Done.

I think I have now purchased everything that I could possibly need to take on this trip as well outfitted my children for any and all events that might come up while they are vacationing in West Virginia and Alabama (boy, they are certainly getting the short end of the family travel stick, aren't they?). I made my umpteenth trip to Wal Mart today to purchase the last minute things that we couldn't possibly do without and now I'm ready to put the stuff in various suitcases and bags and zip the whole mess up and be done with it. One more load of laundry and we're ready. I think. I hope. I pray.

I watched Live 8 yesterday. The London concert was fantastic and got me even more in the mood. I had originally planned to go to London on July 1 when I learned of this trip, so it was a bit depressing to know that I could have been in London for that had it all worked out, but on the other hand, I would have never been anywhere near all of that madness and that would have probably been even MORE depressing, so perhaps it's all for the best.

In a sort of weird little twist, the very first time I went to London, it was just as the Live Aid concert was about to take place. We only just missed it. I remember being so terribly crushed that we wouldn't be able to see it (as if we'd have gotten tickets). How very strange that here, twenty years later, I'm about to head back over and just miss it again. This, folks, is the story of my life.

In suprisingly good news, the pound is dropping versus the dollar! Please take a moment to say WOO HOO with me. "WOO HOO!" (did you say it--it doesn't count unless you did it outloud). As of this typing, the exchange rate is 1 GBP = 1.76792 USD which is still painful for me to even type, let alone contemplate, but certainly better than 1.83+ that it had been when I was looking a month ago. I can't remember the last time I was this happy about six cents.

Perhaps it will drop down to say, 1.70 by the time I get there? In two short days? Maybe? If everyone who reads this shouts WOO HOO rather like the whole Peter Pan clapping to save Tinkerbell thing---it could happen. Work with me. Oh, well, no one goes to London for the bargains anyway.



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 03, 2005 3:04 PM  

  • I was absolutely astounded at how expensive things were in London (when you think about them in US dollars). I paid 3 pounds 65 for a pint of Ben & Jerry's -- that's like 7 bucks for ice cream.

    We saw the Globe on Friday. I nearly had to change my underwear, I was so excited. Growing up as an English/Theater/History person, the Globe is kind of like Mecca. I kept thinking, "Kimmah's going to be here soon!" I stood in the Groundling section and touched the stage. We spent a lot of money in the gift shop and ate in the cafe (I had a roast chicken and sage dressing sandwich, with butter...yum).

    By Blogger ilse, at July 04, 2005 2:21 PM  

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