Kim in London

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Not So Very Busy Day

I packed nothing today, in fact, I actually unpacked something. How very counterproductive of me, eh? I actually wore my "flying to London" clothes, or at least I think they are my "flying to London clothes" to a picnic tonight. I was in a hurry and I didn't want to have to look for other stuff to wear. I was very proud of me for not getting anything on myself. I put them back in the stack when I returned home. Yay for me.

I did go to the doctor and get officially cleared to go on the trip, which I suppose is good, although I was going to go ANYWAY, duh. I also decided to take yet another pair of pants. Ooops. Is that progress? I'm not sure.

I think I have to take the pants, though. I wasn't going to. They are just too comfortable for words and since most of what we will be doing is like, workshop stuff, I think I really need these khakis with me. They used to be long, too long, actually, but then I cut them off to make capris--the kind that you roll up, you know like Jennifer Aniston...yeah, stop laughing... and other rich people pay ridiculous sums of money for. Seriously, I read somewhere that she had a pair of $900 cargo capris. I think I paid $9.00 for these at Gabriel Brothers. They're not technically cargo pants because they don't have the side pockets, but I'm not techincally Jennifer Aniston, so it all balances out.

Anyway, I was going to actually put drawstrings in them, but well, Hobby Lobby doesn't actually sell drawstrings and I decided that was just too much of a hassle anyway. They are ridiculously casual and probably terribly unflattering being that they are A. capris, B. unhemmed, C. baggy, D. possibly stained, but not noticeably unless you are, like, really up close to my knee for some odd reason. Oh, and did I mention that they don't have an actual closer thingy? They have the hook half of a hook-and-eye, so I just sewed my own eye half with lots and lots of thread. I'm quite handy that way. It's brown, not khaki, but no one ever actually sees that part because they also have a drawstring waistband that ties and I wouldn't be caught dead in a shirt that short anyway. I might wear unhemmed, lightly marred faux cargo capris, but even I have my limits.

We'll be working until midnight and beyond some nights and comfort is of the essence. These are, strange as they sound, the most comfortable pants ever. In the history of home mutilated bottomwear you will find nothing more comfortable than these pants. So....take? Yes?

Tomorrow, I shall begin the arduous task of packing the children's clothing. It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. I've also got to start wearing my really snappy new brown suede New Balance walking shoes so I don't show up in London with brand new shoes and end up with blisters. I was determined to avoid the whole white-shoes-with-khaki fashion statement that just screams American tourist, but if I don't do some serious walking in those shoes, I'm going to be doing the fat-chick-limping-with-Band-Aids shuffle that is not only American, but stupid American.


  • Take the faux capris, you know you want them.
    And Jen's pants are more expensive, but she would kill for your hair.
    Don't overpack the boys, you know they don't need that much, seriously.

    By Blogger Buggy, at July 01, 2005 10:50 AM  

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