Kim in London

Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh, and BTW?

There are not nearly enough people saying WOO HOO.

1 GBP = 1.76111 USD

I think we can do better. Kim is a poor school teacher who has small children to feed and fake red hair to color. You're letting me down, people, you're letting me down.


  • Sorry. Will try harder next time.

    WOO HOO!!!!


    By Blogger Jolene, at July 05, 2005 8:15 AM  

  • WOO and HOO

    Silly me. I didn't think to check this blog address until now. I should have known you were already using it!

    Have a great time!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 05, 2005 10:03 AM  

  • Can't wait to hear about your travels, Kimmah!

    WOO HOO!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 05, 2005 5:53 PM  

  • WooHoo x 2 = WooWooHooHoo!!

    Pictures and know the drill!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 06, 2005 1:22 AM  

  • I'm just irked that you dragged ass getting there.

    But have a blast. And say "Marlybone" a lot. It's a fun word.

    By Blogger Landru, at July 06, 2005 6:47 AM  

  • Hey...this is Tina. This webpage suddenly does not recognize the name under which I registered a couple of days ago.

    I went to bed last night thinking that you were just landing and I woke up this morning thinking you were probably just getting into bed. Then I turned on the news to see than London won the bid for the Olympics. People were partying in the streets and I thought to myself that if you were aware of it, you were probably there in the middle of it all! the way...WOO HOO!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 06, 2005 11:56 AM  

  • Woo

    By Blogger Dweeze, at July 06, 2005 6:05 PM  

  • Hoo

    By Blogger Dweeze, at July 06, 2005 6:06 PM  

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