Kim in London

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I Am Fine

So today I learn what it is like to live in a big city. I awoke to learn that a bus had been bombed this morning and that four underground stations had experienced problems due to massive power surges. The undergound is shut down, I hear sirens everywhere and the news is going nonstop. I passed a couple of bus queues on my way here and the crowds were ungodly. I can't imagine how horrible it is going to be to try to get anywhere today. I think I may suck it up and cab it to Kensington and just hang out over there today.

It's a scary feeling right now, though, to know that something so random could happen to you. The newscasters discussed the front of the British Medical Association building being spattered with blood from the bus explosion just like the busses I was so happy to be on yesterday. And Russell Square is an area that had come highly suggested to my by the nice cab driver as safe and quiet to stay in.

What a scary world we live in.


  • I came here to ask you to check in. I'm glad you have and that all is well.

    We can't get to the BBC or Reuters web sites, and we hear that cell phone service is out. Blogs be good.

    By Blogger Sasha, at July 07, 2005 6:02 AM  

  • I woke up in a panic, too, and came straight here. Glad you are okay! Thanks for letting us know so quickly!!

    Stay safe!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 6:51 AM  

  • How smart of you to immediately get on the computer and let us know! I slept in today (8:15) and did my usual: poured a cup of coffee and turned on the news. I immediately thought of you, of course. I got on the computer, hoping you would have either blogged or emailed. THANK YOU so much for not keeping us in the dark! Be careful!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 8:35 AM  

  • I am a friend of Jane. . .I am so thankful you are OK and that you were "quick on your feet" and updated all on your safety. How scary for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 8:38 AM  

  • Thanks for the quick update, Kim, and I'm so glad you're okay!

    Like Sasha, I checked your blog moments after hearing the news this morning.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 8:46 AM  

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