Kim in London

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Typcially London

And suddenly there was rain. And lots of it. We went from the heat wave to rain and cloud. Last night I wore a sweater and a jacket to the theater and I was still chilly in the a/c. This is the way the weather here works. You never know what you're going to get.

Greenwich was lovely yesterday. No rain while we were there. It was much larger than I had expected and much more spread out. I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but I saw the Cutty Sark and popped into the Naval Observatory to see the Prime Meridian (it was an utter madhouse) and wandered through a couple of exhibitions in the Maritime Museum. We had a delicious lunch at a pub, too. All in all a nice afternoon.

Our mode of transport was the DLR or the Docklands Light Railroad. It's a train that feels basically like the tube only not underground and a bit slower. It has the advantage of allowing you to see the city, but the majority of what you see is rather depressing because the area of London that it takes you through is the very epitome of blighted. That it is until you get to Canary Warf and then suddenly it's as if you're on a movie set and then VOILA! It's a city! Very hip, urban, and smart. I got off there on the way back to change to the underground to go back to Southwark and wandered around a bit. Some people had said it wasn't wort seeing because it's nothing special, but I disagree. It's gorgeous, for one, and it also shows you a totally different side of London where masses of people live and work. I wouldn't go there for a day or anything, but it was interesting. Nice shops and restaurants, too.

And now I must ready myself for a morning of shopping and walking in the rain. We have late rehearsals tonight--11-2 again--so today and tomorrow are the last days to do any touristy things before we go home. I'm anxious to get the last few things done so I can then worry about packing all of this stuff somehow...and then there will the monumental task of getting to the airport, but I'll worry about that on Saturday.


  • Keep the updates coming! The first thing I do every morning is check your site and live vicariously through your experiences!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 27, 2005 5:48 AM  

  • Your trip sounds awesome Kim. You're so lucky to be doing it. Enjoy the last third.

    JulieK (BYG)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 28, 2005 8:12 AM  

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