Kim in London

Monday, July 25, 2005

In short

as of today, I'm being paid to be here, sort of. That's nice. School started today--inservice (I'm taking personal days for now). When we were at dinner tonight, it dawned on me that if I were back home, I'd be getting ready to go to lunch. Methinks I'm getting the best end of that bargain.

I'm skipping Mousetrap tonight because my knee is really, really, really sore. Not sure if it is the weather or the weekend or a combination, but I'm not doing very well, so I decided to be as imobile as possible in order to be able to participate for the rest of the week.

Today's class was mostly spent at Tate Britain which wasn't as good as I had hoped. Lots of Turners, Reynolds and the like, but I was so tired and in so much pain that I couldn't really concentrate. I also think that by this point I'm pretty much museumed out. I did get some nice posters, though. We also took the boat to and from Bankside to the Tate up the Thames, so that was nice.

Tomorrow we see Greenwich, so I'm going to go ice my knee a bit and do laundry. I am totally out of clean clothes and even sort of clean clothes. This is the last load of outrageously expensive laundry I'll have to do (1.80 pounds for washing and at least 40 pence to dry). I have to start thinking about packing, too. Yikes.

More later. Laundry is beckoning me.


  • Cindy asked if they do laundry different in England. I said that you wouldn't know since you had no previous experience. Har de har har.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 25, 2005 4:34 PM  

  • Yes, indeed you missed a THRILLING day of inservice! HA!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 25, 2005 5:58 PM  

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