Kim in London

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Week Two, Done!

Yikes! Time is flying. I'm not ready to be 2/3 of the way through with this program. I cannot believe that it will be time to leave soon. I've still got so much to do. It's amazing how you never get everything done on vacation no matter how much time you have.

We're deep into our scene rehearsals for our final project and that will continue to be our focus next week, which means we'll have late starts and late, late nights. I'm hoping to get some sight-seeing done in the mornings. I'm going to be dead tired by the time I return to the States, but I suppose it will all be worth it in the end.

We've finished up with all of the Globe's Master Practitioner classes. I am sorry to see that end. The classes with Glynn were my favorites. I can't really explain why, but she really connected with us. If there is any way I can perhaps bring a group back to London, I will do my best to get them into a session or a meeting with her. She is just amazing. Such a presence. there aren't words, really.

Tomorrow I shall be a total tourist and go to the places that are still on my list. I'm abandoning all of my comrades and shooting off around London on my own. I'm taking the Tube, which is the source of some controversy here. Most of them won't now, but I'm not ready to give up on it, plus I simply don't have a choice. I can't walk to the places that I want to go and I'm not going to sit around this godforsaken place all weekend, so I'll just be in and out as quickly as I can. Part of me feels like I'm foolishly courting danger, but on the other hand, I rationalize that if I walked, I am more likely to be caught up in some sort of accident in a crosswalk or something. Muggings are more frequent in London than bombings and we don't worry about walking down the road at night.

So, just for the record, I'll be traveling from Southwark tomorrow on the Jubilee line, changing at Westminster for the District line so I can hop over to to High Street Kensington. Then from there, I'll be on the District Line to St. James Park. the from St. James Park to Embankment change to Northern Line and forge on to Leiceister Square where I'll check on theater tickets and then take a bus over to the Holburn area for awhile, then bus BACK to Leiceister Sq. via Covent Garden to meet up with some people to hopefully go see Les Miserables and after that, take the Tube or a cab home to Southwark. This is the plan. The interesting part will be to see how much of this I actually accomplish. I want to see Kensington Palace and gardens, The Queen's Gallery, and Sir John Soane's Museum as well as get some shopping out of the way. I'm not sure how much my knee will allow me to do, though. It's been rough the past few days.

I'm off to be for now. A busy day awaits me tomorrow. A week from tomorrow I leave!!! So much to do before then.


  • Remember your colleagues next week, as you are in London and we will be starting school MONDAY! Yuck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 23, 2005 7:32 AM  

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