Kim in London

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bomb Scare Closer to Home

Evidently there was some sort of bomb threat at my tube station tonight. bAs I was coming home from the Globe in a cab tnight, we drove past the Southwark tube station. there was a huge crowd of people forming outside of it and naturally, being me, my first though wasn't, "A bomb!", it was, "Wonder why there would be a LINE at the tube?" Duh.

I don't think it was anything serious because we're not hearing sirens constantly, but you never know. I'm not there, though, and shouldn't be on the tub again for my stay unless there is some unexpected event tomorrow. I am officially taking a cab to Victoria station on Saturday--not out of fear, but out of sheer volume of luggage.

I'm behind on updates and I'll try to catch them up later. We've been very busy the past two days and I'm off to nap and then rehearse again for now.


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