Kim in London

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Packing Sucks

I'm a terrible packer. I do this every time I travel--I try to plan out "outfits" and end up taking far too much crap wherever I go. When I get there, invariably, I only wear the same three things over and over, in different mixes, because the weather sucks, my other shoes are uncomfortable, or whatever. Yet, here I sit, two days before I leave and my suitcase is brimming with clothing. I can't make decisions, so I have about four lightweight sweaters. I have three or four jackets to take--lightweight, outfit jackets, not coats. I have long and short sleeved t-shirts. Jeans and pants. Etc. I wasn't going to take my giant suitcase because, well, it's giant, but now it's clear that I will have to if I intend to make any purchases or take things such as shampoo and a hairdryer (and I must take a hairdryer because those in the hotels that our tour company provides are usually not that great, if they are even present).

I read on a travel board where a woman said she was going to Europe for three weeks and she was taking two pair of pants, two skirts, three shirts and a couple of cardigans and jackets. At this moment I have at least five t-shirts packed--some long, some short-sleeved. And then there are the three light-weight sweaters and the jackets and the blouse or two. Granted, she's planning on doing laundry and I'm not, but SERIOUSLY? There is just no way. I guess since I am not really crammed for space--the big suitcase is not a big deal except being a bit unwieldy--I should just embrace the wardrobe and move on because I know that as sure as I leave a long-sleeved tee back here, something will stain one and rip the other and then I'll freeze to death. If I'm prepared, I'll just wear the black one over and over and y'all can laugh when I post pictures.

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