Kim in London

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bullet Points So Far

I need to write more, but I'm so freaking tired that I can't make cohesive paragraphs, so here are random notes:

1. I still adore the Tube.

2. Leicster Square gets less amusing and entertaining the more I go there.

3. London hospitals rock--they give out free crutches and health care to Americans who trip on bumpy sidewalks and get bad ankle sprains (not me, one of our group).

4. Wicked is a phenomonal musical.

5. there is really no reason to eat baked beans for breakfast that I can think of.

6. Americans have no room to talk about dominance and superiority until they can match the Tower of London in age, grandeur, backstory or bling.

7. EAT. is still my favorite restaurant.

8. I love to hear people say, "Cheers".

9. London women wear some bad, bad makeup.

10. I would move here in a heartbeat.

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  • Cheers!

    By Blogger Lasann, at April 13, 2007 11:32 AM  

  • Wicked is one of the musicals I would love to see. Shelby saw that last year in NYC along with Spamalot and something else.

    I've been to London once in 10th grade. I lived in Germany at the time and we went to Stratford for a field trip. We stopped in London for a few hours on our drive home. We had the choice to see the Tower of London or go shopping. Guess what I chose.

    Trips like that are really wasted on the young.

    By Blogger Cary, at April 13, 2007 5:47 PM  

  • Hate to give you bad news--Melissa's mother-in-law died this morning (Saturday). No arrangements yet.

    It actually did not rain during the Mule Day parade (As reported by Victoria--I didn't go), but it had rained all night the previous night and it was cloudy and threatening to rain all morning, which kept people away.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 14, 2007 5:26 PM  

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