Kim in London

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Busy Weekend

We did a great deal of touristy-type things this weekend. So far, so good.

On Saturday we made our way to Camden Town for the markets. It is much better to visit them in sunshine than in rain and while wearing tennies instead of flip-flops as I did during my last visit. We wandered the stalls for over an hour and found all sorts of fun things. I got a very cute hat.

We decided to take a bus from Camden to the main part of the city, so we hopped on the number 24, which takes a straight shot into the heart of London, past all the touristy spots. A great route, but it doesn't stop at Victoria Station as I thought it did, so we ended up getting off at Pimlico. Typical for me--I have to overshoot my destination at least once every trip. It's much more frustrating when you have six other people tagging along, though.

From Pimlico, it was on to Harrod's for requisite touristy shopping and lunch in Knightsbridge. Much shopping was done, lunch was eaten in a very crowded McDonald's (where three of us carried in our Eat bags and just bought chips and drinks). Then we headed bac to Earl's Court to drop our stuff and make our way over to Covent Garden to look arounda bit before dinner. It was packed with people and I took two of the kids on a search for the Foot Locker. We were given at least four sets of directions as to how to find the silly place, but none of them were exactly spot on. We walked most of the way around the piazza of Covent Garden, then up the hill to the tube station and down one of the side streets. We made it all the way to Leicester Square and still no Foot Locker. Up another little side street--still no Foot Locker. We sat by a pillar for awhile, just assessing the situation and Matt asked several folks for directions, but none of them had any idea. Finally, we just decided to try one more street and set off back up the hill to the Tube and just on past it. Tucked in among all sorts of little shops, on a tiny little pedestrian street, we found it. We were jubilant. He was able to look around and find some shoes that he liked, but since they were 54 pounds, which is about $108 right now, he didn't get them. But we foudn it, which was most impressive.

Dinner was Chinese, but since Matt and Erin aren't big fans, we sought out another choice and ended up at Bella Italia. We had pizza and it was really good. Garlic bread too--yum.

To wrap up the night, we went to see Blue Man Group. Weird show, but that is to be expected, I suppose. Lots of flourescent lights, fluids flying and great percussion. I wouldn't go see it on my own again, but would absolutely take kids. It was very dynamic.

Sunday we headed to Oxford and Stratford--lots of bus riding for very little touring time, IMO, but it was nice to get out of the city. Stratford is incredibly overdone--very Gatlinburgish, so I don't really care to go back. Cute little shops and stuff, but overpriced.

Will wrap up the trip tales soon. Must recover from jetlag now.

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